Last night, I walked 12 blocks to the National Mall through empty, snow-covered streets, past cross country skiers and nightly news crews. When I finally got to the open stretch of grass where, on a normal day, you can see the monuments stretching out in both directions, it took me a minute to get my bearings. It wasn't until, squinting through the white cloud of snowflakes, that I could just make out the faint outline of the Capitol dome to my left.
The 2 mile trip there and back took me 2 hours. In the middle of the storm, a dense blanket of snow surrounded everything on all sides, blocking out all sound and all sights beyond a few hundred feet in each direction. For awhile, the only people I saw either had snow shovels or cameras. I was struck by the novelty of feeling so alone and isolated in a city of thousands. At times, it wasn't much of a stretch to image that it really could be the end of the world. Here are some images from those 2 hours from 5-7pm last night.