Last weekend, I checked Twitter and saw that every major trending topic was related to the travel ban Donald Trump enacted on Friday, January 27. That evening, airports around the country slowed to a crawl as demonstrators flooded terminals and drop off areas to protest the ban and demand the release of detained travelers.
Over the next 24 hours, word spread quickly on social media of additional coordinated protests in major cities beginning at 1pm on Sunday. I grabbed my cameras and made my way over to Lafayette Square in front of the White House where several thousand people had gathered with signs, flags, and megaphones.
The crowd squeezed around the temporary fencing still surrounding the Inauguration parade reviewing stand. I joined a group of demonstrators and journalists who had pulled themselves onto the low balcony that surrounds the Federal Claims court. Around me, protestors climbed the metal bars covering the court's windows for a better view. Every few minutes, a mix of different chants erupted from the group.
I slowly made my way around the balcony, past couples holding hands and women in hijabs, military veterans and young children seated atop their parents shoulders. At 3pm, the crowd setoff down Pennsylvania Avenue and marched past Trump International Hotel to the Capitol Building. The hotel has become the focus of so many protests over the last few months that I wonder if anyone still books rooms there.
One chant in particular that I heard stuck with me. It went "welcome to your ninth day, we won't go way." Considering that this is the third protest I've photographed in a week, it seems like the protestors are sticking true to that mantra.